Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Started from a DREAM

Dream. I believe every single people has own dream. So do I. And do you know? What's my dream? Yeahh...when i was in junior high school I had a dream that i wanted to be a DEBATER. Yupp. it started when i read a news that informed there is a gorgeous debater that could go to abroad. I wish i can do that someday. Ofcourse, when i enter my new school and my new life far away from my family. One of the ekstra that i wanted to join is SEC (Stemba English Club). Through SEC i could be a debater. Until this time, part of my soul just for debating. I learned many things in debating and i couldn't mention one by one. I just want to say THANKS A LOT to Mr. Wirawan, Ms. Wigati, Ms. Devi, Mr.Aji, Mr.Arif, Ms. Dita, Ms. April and all of the people whom support me.

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